Fascination: sophisticated apparel from an untamed land of nomads and conquerors

Anthropology professor Jack Weatherford is the author of the New York Times bestseller Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World.

Jack’s infatuation with Mongolia began when he was a boy growing up in South Carolina.

“My first contact with Mongolia was when I was about 12 years old, through the writings of Marco Polo. This inspired me to read a biography of Genghis Khan. And this place where people lived in tents and had camels with two humps and drank horse milk became the most exciting place in the world to me. So as a young kid I felt connected to Mongolia. And I had five Mongolian stamps in my childhood collection.”

“And yet,” says Jack, “before I finally visited Mongolia, I’d been to 120 other countries in my life already. I first came here in 1998. I arrived into UB in the middle of the night, and left early the next morning for the countryside. Within 24 hours I was totally in love with Mongolia because of the animals, the hills, the grass.”
Regarding the Mongol Empire’s role in history, Jack believes many people don’t appreciate that “before Genghis Khan, there was little regular connection between Europe and Asia. The uniting of different regional civilzations from east to west was the extraordinary achievement of Genghis Khan. His was also the first empire to have total religious freedom, and to embrace such high principles as diplomatic immunity. He was a man of the modern world.”
Genghis Khan’s biographer Jack Weatherford, photographed in his penthouse apartment in Ulaanbaatar, wears Bodio’s exclusive Mongolian platinum yak sweater.